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Central Data Platform


Product information

Model: 2090, 2006-I, 2006-U

Manufacturer: All Weather Inc, USA.


The central data processing system (CDP) performs automatic airport meteorological monitoring data processing, hot standby configuration (Hot Standby) located in a 19" 42U rack in the equipment room of the command tower. CDP connects to meteorological stations through 02 transmission lines (optical cable and radio), allowing parallel or main / backup data connection operations.

CDP has the option to connect to the runway lighting system.


Compliance with:

- FAA.




- Server system operates in hot standby mode, installed in rack.

- Monitors and keyboards for servers.

- GPS time synchronization server system.

- Backup UPS.

- Optical transmission system (including: modules, switches...).

- UHF radio transmission system (including: radio transceiver modems, signal converters...).

- Workstations located at mining locations.



- User and group management features and user rights granting;

- Process all measurement data from the sensor data collection, process, distribute and display the data.

- Connection for data transmission via ATIS/D-ATIS;

- The software is fully compatible with IA-5 Alphabet, AFTN; AMHS.

- Data can be broadcast via VHF, NDB or VOR radio and accessed via telephone dial-in.

- Report METAR/SPECI to standard HTTP POST server.

- The software displays data in text combined with graphics.

- The software provides full remote maintenance monitoring (RMM) capabilities.

- Automatic or manual generation of MET REPORT/SPECIAL and METAR/SPECI reports.

- There are 3 viewing modes for: air traffic control (ATC), meteorological observation (MET) and maintenance (Maintenance).

- There are 2 data update modes: Automatic and Manual;

- Manually enter REMARK and TREND for METAR/SPECI reports.

- Generate reports automatically or manually: SYNOP, CLIMAT, SIGMET, AIRMET, TAF, BUFR, CREX and create MET REPORT/METAR forecast reports.

- Along with many other features.

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