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Rain Gauge


Product information

 Model: RGTE

Manufacturer: All Weather Inc, USA.


A rain measuring bucket using the tipping bucket method is an independent container for measuring rainfall. The top is open, allowing precipitation to fall into the top. The collected rainwater is transferred to a tilting tank, which fills up and causes the temporary closure of a magnetic switch that generates electrical pulses that feed back to the data collector.


Compliance with:

- FAA.


- WMO.

Technical specifications:

- Sensor type: Tipping Bucket.

- Rainfall measurement range: 0–700 mm/h.

- Sensitivity: 1 tip / 0.1 mm.

- Resolution: 0.1 mm.

- Calibration accuracy: ±1% (0–50 mm/h).

- Bucket diameter: 24.5 cm.

- Operating temperature range: 0 ºC to +70 ºC.

- Operating humidity range: 0 to 100 %RH, non-condensing.

- Use 5V voltage to get the signal.

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